Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleFor Whom Christ Died
Bible TextN/A
Article Type Article
PDF Format pdf
Word Format doc


Recently I was reading a history book about men of the past who did great works by which they saved others.  In each case the historian reported who the person was and what work they did. But not only that, the historian also reported that they actually saved a particular person or group.  I begin thinking that I have never read a history book about the heroic works of men that left out the fact that by their works they actually saved the particular person or group for whom they did the work.  It would be meaningless to speak of a person’s work as a saving work while leaving out that they actually accomplished the salvation of the person or group they set out to save.  So it is with the gospel.  It ceases to be good news when men declare Christ’s person and work only to leave out that our Redeemer knew that he was come to save “his people” from their sins; it ceases to be good news to leave out the truth that Christ actually accomplished the redemption of God’s elect and God’s elect alone.  This is why we must preach God’s free and sovereign electing grace as well as the atonement which Christ accomplished for his particular people, which is limited to only those for whom Christ laid down his life, every time we preach.  By this we declare Christ victorious and we do not leave the choosing or the justifying in the sinner’s hand.  In other words, by this we declare the message we are sent to declare, all flesh is grass and thy God reigneth!