Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleYou Shall Face God Soon!
Bible TextRomans 2:16
Article Type Article
PDF Format pdf
Word Format doc



“In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.” (Ro 2:16)


There is a day coming when you shall face God.  Think about that! (Rom 2: 5-16)


     God says if you go through life with a hard heart, refusing to repent from your sin and vain works, refusing to believe on Christ, then you are treasuring up wrath against that day of God’s wrath.  It means you are heaping up God’s wrath against yourself like a man saves up money. 


    In that day the righteous judgment of God shall be revealed. God will deal justly with every man by rendering to every man exactly according to his deeds. Not only the outward deeds that are known, but God shall judge the secrets of men, even the secrets sins of the heart.  And get this, the judge shall be the very one you called a liar, the Righteous Lord, Jesus Christ. (Rom 2: 5-6)


     The judgment of God is nothing fearful to the believer. To them who patiently continue doing that which is good, that is, who patiently continue in faith, trusting Christ alone to be all their salvation before God, seeking the glory, honor and immortality that is by Christ alone, God shall give eternal life.  All who believe on Christ are free from sin and condemnation. We have fulfilled the law and suffered its just penalty by the obedience and death of Jesus Christ our Head and Substitute. (Rom 5:19-21)


    But if you have never believed on Christ then you have no reason to do anything but fear the righteous judgment of God.  God promises to those who are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, God shall pour out his indignation and wrath.  There will be anguish and tribulation like you have never imagined. You may think it wise to ignore my gospel and go through life never giving a thought to eternal matters but remember you shall face God soon! And do not imagine that God will show partiality based on who you are or what you have done. God is no respecter of persons.  Men look on the outward appearance. So they imagine they will please God by an outward show of goodness and righteousness. They imagine God will be pleased with religious deeds and morality. But God's judgments are true and righteous. God looks on the heart, not on the outward appearance. (Rom 2: 28-29) 


    Therefore, sinner, seek Christ today! Except you trust the Lord Jesus Christ, you shall be forever damned. It will be just. You will have earned it! But trust Christ and you shall be forever saved. It will be just because it is what Christ earned for his people. God give you grace to trust him!